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I am a photographer specialized in architecture, arts and design.
My photographs aim, thanks to an advantageous, precise lighting and a clear composition, to enhance the foremost design features of the project, to valorize its construction techniques and materials, in order to provide designers with a striking, permanent record of their work.
This experienced method offers me to work closely with the most innovative firms of the present and the future.
Each of the projects on this website gave occasion to numerous publications and exhibitions.

PUBLICATIONS (Selection) :
Architecture Studio (Philip Jodidio, ed. La Découverte, 2017)
Baccarat: Two Hundred and Fifty Years (ed. Rizzoli, 2013)
Transport Facilities (Carles Broto, ed. Linksbooks, 2012)
Press : Artravel, Archistorm, Elle Décoration, Exé, L’Arca International, Le Moniteur, Detail, Architectural Record, IQD, Monumental (Centre des Monuments Nationaux), L’Express, China Perspectives, World Architecture News
This is Now, New York (USA), may 2018, Personal exhibition of 10 prints on brass at the crossroads of new technologies in digital printing and architecture-oriented materials
Æ Project workshop, Taste Festival Berlin, group exhibition, Direktorenhaus, Berlin, june 2012
AIA Made In New York, West 4th Street Subway Station, group exhibition, New York, September 2010
Migrant Territories, Relegation and Appropriation in Hong Kong Public Spaces, personal exhibition with texts by Nicolas Douay, Symposium "The city: identity, exchange and esthetic territory, Latin America - Africa - Asia", Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Paris, june 2010
Fotografia Digitale : Il Dubbio dell’Immagine, group exhibition, Varese, 2004
Photographs of the Biennale, group exhibition, Palazzo della Biennale, Venezia, 2002.
La Linea Gialla, short film, Duomo subway station, Milano, 2002